Brand PR v/s Professional PR – which route to take for each?
Have you started noticing more stories and publicity of your competitors on media? If yes, then they are on the right track with their PR tactics and it’s time for you to buckle up as well!
To ensure long-lasting impact on the audience, the first step is to have strong PR tactics and strategies.
Whether it is traditional or digital PR, it is all about making decisions that ensure communication in the right direction. It not only helps in positive brand image or profiling but attracts the target audience towards the inspiring stories.
The goal of any business is to give deeper insights, build authentic bonds with consumers and enable credible communication. However, the PR route or tactics adopted differ depending on 2 factors:
- PR for a company
- PR for a professional
So, here we have listed out how PR approach differs in case of managing a company v/s managing a professional.

A Brand’s Storytelling
Public relations for a brand/ organisation/ company is all about talking and highlighting its features, offerings and associations. PR specialists adopt strategies which lead the brand to become a new competitor in the existing market or a leader of its own new offerings in the new market.
Let us consider an example: Publicizing a fresh OTT platform. Being a new entrant in the market, it will be important to showcase it amongst the audience for being the talk-of-the-town.
Objective: To create buzz about the new platform in a way that it becomes the most talked about topic in the market.
Approach: The approach will be to create as much buzz in the media and among the people.

Storytelling for a professional / individual / face of the brand
Direction of public relations for a professional – Making the individual stand out in the industry as an expert.
Public relations approach for an individual is all about profiling him/her in the market. It is extremely important to bring forward the faces of the brand in order to build a positive image of him/her in the industry. In today’s world, the audience is always on a lookout for faces who are able to understand the problems and provide solutions through their (faces of the brand) offerings. A lot of research and time is spent in establishing credibility and a personal brand. We have listed out some strategies that PR specialists can adopt when managing an individual.

Let us consider an example: Publicizing the CEO of a new OTT platform
Objective: To make him/ her a thought leader in the entertainment and digital industry.
Approach: The approach will be directed towards profiling him/her as an expert who has been working in the industry for decades.

So, from the above example, we can infer individual profiling and brand building go hand-in-hand, where while working on building a thought leader there is a brand image also being established on the other side.
As a result, the above strategies will provide a direction and a roadmap for PR professionals while carrying out and planning their activities or content pieces.
Be ready to show your (P)eeyaa(R) to the audience!